Remember: Write Bad Code

Write Bad Code

Today, I lit a bushel of money on fire. We still measure money in bushels, right?

As I was implementing the handler for my UpdateItemsCommand, I noticed we were potentially doing a lot of insertions.  My perfectionism fired up, and I got to work on an “insertMany” method for an array.  I spent some time balancing a clean API with performance, writing unit tests and benchmarks, and eventually got to the point where, in a contrived example, insertMany was about twice as fast as doing many insertions.

zoom zoom zoom

I pulled my new insertMany into the Command handler, did another benchmark and… the handler was ~0.01% slower.

that didn't help at all!

In the previous article, I wrote that the most common use case was adding a single GalleryItem.  Well in this case my insertMany is actually slower than just doing a standard insert.

Moreso, let’s pretend I WAS able to make the Command handler twice as fast  (which is nonsense for many reasons).  Would that even matter?  The processing time is ~2ms.  Reducing this to zero would be unnoticed by users.  Even if thinking about operating at scale  (foolish to do before having a single user), the cost of the network calls and writing to the DB would vastly outweigh this 2ms.

In the time I spent improving this handler’s performance, I could have spent making progress towards an MVP.  How much is it worth to launch a day sooner and start validating and iterating on your business?  Because that’s how much I burned.

All this is a long way to say: “Preemptive Optimization is the root of all Evil”.

Next time I hear the seductive whispers of performance optimization in my ear, I will try to ask myself “what is the business impact of making this code 10x faster?” And if there isn’t a good answer, move on to something more important.


Working to upgrade our democracy by making voting more awesome (ex: STAR Voting). Reach out if you want to chat about saving the world.

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