Stay the Course


Sometimes when I’m fighting off Chitauri soldiers with my bow and arrow, and then Iron Man flies by and takes out a whole battalion without breaking a sweat, I think, maybe I should go relax, have some tea, let the A-list handle the aliens.  After all, what can I do that Hulk or Thor aren’t already doing better?

But then I see those terrified citizens and remember why we’re fighting.  Maybe my above-average archery isn’t going to win the war, but maybe I can help just one person.  And if so, it’s worth it.

There are some amazing people clearly and concisely speaking against corruption, probably better than Econia ever will.  Maybe Econia will just be one voice in the choir that eventually topples Jericho.  But if I can help end this injustice just one day sooner, well then I better keep fighting.


Econia has been making very frustratingly slow progress.  Our guy editing the video must have been captured by bears or something because we haven’t heard from him.  Hopefully he’ll deliver something soon.  In the meantime, I made this other game. Hopefully you’ll enjoy 🙂


Working to upgrade our democracy by making voting more awesome (ex: STAR Voting). Reach out if you want to chat about saving the world.

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